Life After Death Strongly Suggests Obama Knew About Benghazi And Petraeus

Sec. Defense was recently asked — point blank — whether or not he knew about the alleged Petraeus affair.  He replied that “He did not know the answer to that!!!”  The only way that you cannot know if you knew is if you’re dead — physically, or mentally. So, if Peneta was telling the truth and he does not know if he knew, he is admitting he is dead.


Many parts of the body live long after the brain, lungs and heart cease to function. Bureaucracies are much the same way: they continue to function long after the head of a government ceases to function. This is the essence of what Reagan meant when he commented that a government bureaucracy is the closest thing to eternal life on earth.

So, how does this “strongly suggest” that Obama knew about Benghazi and Petraeus? Because telling the President about such things have become an institutional part of the bureaucracy surrounding the President: it’s just what the political, military and intelligence arms do. It’s reflexive for the people in these parts of government and political Parties. It strains the bounds of credibility to believe they wouldn’t tell Obama…unless….

Unless Obama actually is an empty suit: a teleprompter reader who holds the position because of the image he presents while his puppet master(s) actually run the organs of government. In all honesty, this would explain two problems with what we’re seeing right now:

First, it would explain how Obama could NOT know about Benghazi and Petraeus. The bureaucracies would still report to the person in charge, it’s just that the person in charge is not Obama.

Second, it would explain why his handlers seldom allow Obama to speak off prompter, and why he so often looks surprised by what is on that teleprompter when he reads his lines. It even explains why he seems to have so much difficulty speaking without stuttering when off prompter: he doesn’t know what he is supposed to say so he actually has to access his independent programming (and that isn’t so good).

You either have to accept that things are not what they appear and start looking for rational reasons to explain the discrepancies, or you have to face the reality we’re being told to accept. We have a drunken, sex-craved Secret Service that is continuously embroiled in scandal. We have a President who doesn’t even know when the U.S. is under military assault by hostile foreign forces. You have a Government that cannot figure out what happened in Fast & Furious, yet it knows about the sex life of the CIA Director. No, no, I was going to list all the scandals associated with this administration that strain the bounds of reason, but that would take too long – especially since it all points to a reality far from that which we’re being told to believe.

HOWEVER, if things are as they appear, then we still have a reason for secession: because – if things are as we’re told they are – then the federal government has ceased to function and the only signs of life are the involuntary actions of the bureaucracies.

By Joe_Bakanovic

Source: The Rio Norte Line

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